2. Lounge Room/Dining - Opposite View. The dining table is just out of view in the foreground. You can see the dodgy $50 ebay futon, which has now been freecycled, and the superbargain Dimmey's curtains which were about $900 cheaper than they should've been because the stripe is slightly off centre. The bookcase was from the Salvos: all other furniture courtesy Ikea.
4. The bedroom. You can see the door next to the bookcase in picture 2. Bike #2 + dirty laundry (literally and figuratively). The window is just out of shot to the right. Curtains were maroon and more expensive than the Dimmey's ones, and infinitely rubbish-er. (Note discarded flexible curtain rod in the corner). This window is east facing, and has a porchlight on a timer which means that this room was lighter at 5am than at midday with the light on.
6. The best bit: the view. Chocolate Jesus atop the local basilica.

7+8: Details: Postcard wall, and Pennsylvania Dutch 3d decorative paper stars.
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