(Don't look at the price. If you only buy one, it's not so bad...).
Also, Ayumi nominated me for a Make My Day Award! So sweet! I'm hereby passing it on, but since I've whittled down my blog feed considerably since my internet is sporadic, I can't choose the requisite 10 unfortunately (at least not without naming blogging superstars, which I suspect is not the point), or notify you all. And to all of my friends with lovely blogs but don't update them: go ahead, make my day! =)
Ayumi: my super secret pal - right back acha!
Elsie: US adventurer extroadinaire.
Hannah: dually nominated for annoying me that I don't write as well, and with more education.
Zac and Sof: Elsie's cousin - these guys totally crack me up.
Nick: Keeping it in the family - he takes beautiful pictures.
Shawn: Random stranger. Hello!
For other (famous) blogs which make my day, see the sidebar.
Also, I think I might've frightened some of you off of emailing with my story about my horrendous phone bill. Don't worry - it seems to have stablised now, and anyway, if worst comes to worst, I could always fiddle with my phone settings, even if I can't get through to Orange.
Oooh - Yum!! They look delish :)
Thanks for the nomination! You'd definitely come up as most often visited blog for me, and since you're the most regular blogger you are the one most likely to make my day (even if its after checking for the 10th time - "has she written something new yet?, no, has she written something new yet?, no, repeat, then... Yes!!!!")
Sorry Emily, contrary to your advice I did look at the price. And, 47 Euro? Wow.
Then again, they do come in a really nice-looking coffret.
Ohmygoodness. Those macaroons are so darn pretty! Have you tried all of the flavours? What are the beautiful dark marroon ones? And the sort of pale cream ones with a blush of pink? You have to try all of them, Emily. This is a request from your friend who is stuck in Melbourne with narry a fancy macarroon to be found.
I quite want to set this picture as my desktop background, by the way...
No, so far I've only tried vanilla and salted caramel. Ooh! Maybe I could have a Macaroon of the Day for a while! What a Good Idea! I can't wait to get to Paris and try the Pierre Herme ones - apparently they're The Best.
Macaroon of the Day! Macaroon of the Day! What an awesome idea. Can't wait for the first installment :o)
Oi! I hardly write at all, let alone better than you. See? That sentence didn't even make sense.
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