Ah, the French do like their chocolate. There's chocolate cereal (Hello! Chocolate Special K), chocolate milk, chocolat chaud, pain au chocolat, chocolate yoghurt, chocolate mousse. I'm surprised they don't make chocolate cheese (actually, they probably do...). Hardly a day goes by when I don't eat something chocolate, and it's not because I'm trying.
So it's not really a surprise that there's a chocolate macaron. This was lovely - like chocolate mouse, or a really good chocolate sponge. But at the end of the day, I like my chocolate straight.
So have the people at the Macaron shop noticed/commented on the fact you keep coming back and buying a different flavour each day?
Umm.....I'm assiduously varying which branch I go into! There's about eleventy billion of them all within a square km.
If you should find yourself really liking the chocolate ones in time, I noticed that the train station has a shop that sells the big ones for 2.50 :)
Oh yes, you can get a few flavours in the bigger size from this shop too. I'm waiting until I have a favourite...
maybe if you tell them you are doing free reviews and artistic product placement they might offer you free samples? or not. possibly not worth trying to figure out how to say in french, eh? je vouidrais un free macaron si vous plais...?
free = gratuit. Got that one down. =)
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