When I grow up, this is what my living room will look like. I
love the combination of this apple-mint green and maroon. (In fact, I think i might like a shirt this colour to wear my maroon brooch with.) My house will have polished floorboards thoughout, and a maroon couch, and two deep brown leather armchairs. This is
Greg Natale's design for the Hardwick Turnbull house, which won a commendation in the 2005 Australian Interior Design Awards.

Inside my front door will be these hooks. They are by designer
Luca Nichetto, found via
Design*Sponge. I don't think you can buy these - they seem to have been commissioned by a company which is not producing them for little people like me.

When I grow up I will commission my own. Or these Ikea Asker pots might work screwed into the wall instead - if they start selling them in Australia.

I will keep my jewellery in these ceramic egg containers. They were made by Container Store, which seems not to be producing them anymore. I am thinking about trying to make my own dodgy version, by spray painting an actual egg carton. Found at
Mighty Goods.
Also, I will have one of
these on the wall somewhere, or maybe even on the ceiling. I haven't decided which yet, (maybe the horse, maybe the animal ceiling roses, maybe a colourful abstract design) but Just. So. Cool.
My house will also have a library (or at least a room) with books all over the walls and sliding ladders so you can reach the ones at the top. Unless I have another whole spare room, the library will also have a nice big heavy desk with a banker's lamp, and a little baby grand piano.
I will live in a cool Second Empire house like
this one, or more realistically (since I don't plan to move to America), a nice little two story terrace house would be fine too. Maybe a named one like this:

I will also have a nice big garden, with lots of fruit trees and vegetables and herbs. And poppies! And some kind of no-brainer watering system. When we have water again to spare.
I want a red bedroom.
Red walls.
And the bathroom has to have a claw footed bath.
And the lounge and kitchen and dining all have to have polished floor boards.
Those are my only requests.
I would like a claw footed bath too. But mostly I would just like a big bath - mine is so little not all of me fits!
I was reading the other day that warm coloured walls make you look better in the mirror. So red's probably a good choice for the bedroom.
i just want something where my floor is not someone elses roof... sigh. and a claw footed bath would be lovely. and floor boards in lounge and dining, and mexican terracotta tiles in the kitchen. and a bay window with a window seat. and a toilet separate from the main bathroom.
and a cleaner.
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