Tuesday 10 April 2007

somehow, not chocolated out yet.

Ok, so I'm officially doing Carousel The Worst Show In The World. Sorry Molly (and also Messrs. Rogers and Hammerstein), but childbeating and saccherine americana songs where I have to play 'pom pom pom pom' for three hours under OH&S nightmare conditions does not a party make. Can someone please give me a human-sized sound-proof bubble for my birthday? Thank God it's for charity, otherwise i'd be snapping off my fingers by now in lieu of actually being able to say 'no'.

Also: here is my ordered list of the best places to sit on a plane.

1. Window seat 'a' next to overwing exit (lots of leg room). Usually 12a but they can be tricky.
2. Any seat on a row all to yourself.
3. Window seat 'a' in the front half of the plane (closer to the exit/entrance).
4. Window seat 'f' in the front half of the plane.
5. Window seat 'a' in the back half of the plane.
6. Window seat 'f' in the back half of the plane.
7. Aisle seat in the front half of the plane.
8. Aisle seat in the back half of the plane.
9. Front of the plane.
10. Back of the plane.

So now you know. I feel so much better now that I've cleared that up.

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