Tuesday 17 July 2007


The other day my brother made the most amazing spaghetti bolognese. He seems to have taken something from the Emily school of cooking, because he shares my approach of 'chuck random stuff in until it tastes good'. In addition to the usual ingredients (onion, garlic, mince, tomato sauce), he added bacon, dried oregano, a little Beerenberg tomato sauce and a little Paul Newman pasta sauce, and a stubby of beer. It was really really good - possibly the best bolognese I've ever had.


Molly said...

Well, I'm not sure if the Mammas in Bologna would get on board with the stubby of beer, but if it tasted good, then i reckon he must be on to something. Hmm...

m∃ said...

Yeah, I'm not sure whether the beer was a conscious but odd red wine substitute or just an excuse for drinking while he ws cooking.

Either way it worked!