Saturday, 10 May 2008

focussing on the little things.

Does anyone else remember that scene in Reality Bites where Ethan Hawke is talking about how when the big things aren't working out as planned, you take pleasure in the details, like a quarter-pounder with cheese?
Well, I'm not such a fan of the burgers, and you can look down your nose at me all you like for frequenting such a soulless, awful excuse for a restaurant (and you'd be right), but I went today and got a McFlurry with sprinkles of Daim. Yeah those are good.


Anonymous said...

I will not judge you. McDonald's here is now doing Mint Slice McFlurrys and OH MY GOD THEY ARE SO GOOD.

m∃ said... slice....drool...i'm not so excited about the Daim ones anymore...

Kate said...

I am embarrassed to say it, but I have been thinking about mint slice McFlurries all week. I gave in and got one. It was amazing!

Anonymous said...

OMG i LOVE daim! except i felt it was tres mal pour mes dents... But yum!!!