The flight from Chicago was uneventful (apart from a few minor delays which are apparently par for the course) and I made friends with a nice Montessori teacher whom I swapped ipods with for an hour or two on the flight (of course I put mine on an Australian only playlist, haha). I think the Aussie accent is a bit of a boon here, because it seems pretty easy to start a conversation. It was already evening when I arrived and I got Elsie's message about which route to take from the train station to the hotel a little too late, and ended up walking through quite a dodgy (and amazingly small and isolated) part of town. The homelessness here is really awful - apparently it's much more prevalent here than further north, because the weather is basically like Adelaide's - ie. they don't die off from the cold. Nice, eh? Before I left I was getting pretty frustrated with the rising homelessness problems in Australia, but now I *really* hope it doesn't get worse becuase it's just horrible seeing a few people on every streetcorner begging for money, and people sleeping in doorways all over the place and everybody just walking past and not even seeming to notice.
Anyway, after I made it to the nice hotel, we went to dinner at an Indian restaurant, which was very good, but just goes to show that Chicken Tikka Marsala is the same the world over (or at least the Anglo world anyway).
On Saturday we had many grand plans, but it got a bit lost in the wash. We had breakfast next door to the hotel at this excellent little hole in the wall which you wouldn't expect from the outside to be nearly as good as it is. I had a great little (big) fruit salad and a hash brown (which it turns out is just an ordinary potato fritter but they top them with stuff). I also had a freshly squeezed orange juice which I would've sworn black and blue had added sugar but the waitress seemed amused that I even asked so I guess they're just good at growing oranges here.

We finished at about 4:00 and, not having had lunch, decided to eat at a restaurant one of Elsie's colleagues had seen on the bay. It turned out to be a (country club-ish) fish restaurant, and, not wanting to order a steak (which was the other option on the menu) I ordered a piece Petrale Sole which is a local fish, and it was really good! Not fishy at all! We also had a beautiful view out onto the bay where *lots* of yachts were moored, and even saw a few seals too.
Later that evening after getting back to the city, Elsie and I went in search of dessert and ended up at Bi-Rite Ice-Creamery which was absolutely delicious. I had a salted caramel ('car-mel') and a honey lavender and both were divine and I'm very glad I got a large because I doubt I'll ever get back. It was a teeny place, but it turned out to have a sister supermarket which was a little organic shop a bit like the Store only nicer and a bit more hippie. We bought a local ash rind chevre and some local beers and had a nightcap back at the hotel (once we'd tracked down a bottle opener).
After the park we tried to hail a cab with little success, and jumped on a bus instead. The San Francisco Muni seems to have one advantage over Adelaide which is that it's cheaper. Oh and also, the drivers can speak three languages. Walking up the street to the hotel we passed a bit protest/meeting. We concluded it was either a Black Panther rally or Barak Obama speaking.
In the afternoon we went out to the Napa Valley ('wine country' - I think they must be confused because isn't that France?...hehe). First we went to a massive winery called V. Sattui which also had a gourmet section which was the main reason we stopped there - lunch. Elsie and I shared a heap of lovely salads (including Jambalaya which is like a Spanish fried rice) and then we went on to the next winery which I can't remember the name of (maybe I'll fill that in later).

In the evening we went to a sushi restaurant for tea ('dinner'), after this guy in the street gave us a few helpful suggestions but then turned out to be selling a (free) tourist restaurant map/begging. Then back to the hotel to plan my day tomorrow.
All in all I'm enjoying things here very much. The people are all very friendly and not the loud, arrogant stereotype we have of them (sorry). Everyone I've met has been really extremely helpful, although that being said most of them have been in service industries and thus work for tips (cynical? me?). Still, it seems genuine. The men hold the doors open for women and people seem nicer on the roads too. Actually speaking of the roads, they're amazing here - they have such huge and efficient freeways it's really easy to get anywhere, and also you can hail a cab anywhere in the city and they're pretty cheap. It's very hilly though and my stomach drops everytime a cab driver fangs it over a giant hill in the cbd. The differences in driving are still freaking me out, although not in the way you'd think. The driving on the wrong side of the road seems ok, but I keep trying to get in the driver's side when aiming for the passenger's seat (pretty embarassing in a cab) and thinking I'll have to pay the tolls. And speaking of the roads: the weather. It's very nice here, much warmer than Chicago and pretty similar to Adelaide weather in winter (not surprising since we both have grapes). It's been lovely weather to be out and about, although apparently tomorrow it's supposed to rain.
All in all I like it here, but I don't think I'd want to live just doesn't feel quite comfortable for some reason. For a supposedly chilled out, hippie city, it doesn't really feel that different than any other, and I kind of feel like it's either quite localised or actually quite shallow. But tomorrow I'm going on a big walk around the city by myself so we'll see what I think after that. Sorry still no photos - I did not have the prescience to pack my camera-computer cable. Hopefully Tuesday evening I'll get them up. Sorry if this is all a bit inarticulate - it's late here. xoxo
I know what you mean about stereotypes, every American I've actually met has been just lovely yet we still love to hate them... Loving the updates -- keep them coming!
PS - "fang it", hehe.
Sigh. Trips. Holidays. Tourism. Sigh.
I visited Adelaide (I'm from SA, but living in NJ) in September for a month. I spent that month going to the driver's seat instead of the passengers, and then did the same thing in reverse when I got back to the town in NJ I live in now!
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