I received (clockwise from top right):
- some Japanese fruit flavoured boiled sweets
- Hello Kitty bandaids
- Black and white check earrings
- Singapore Postcards
- 3 balls of Hug lilac wool
- Itty bitty flower (sakura?) shaped Japanese rice crackers
- Peach and mango tea
- Bamboo knitting needles
Wow! What a lovely parcel! And now I know my Pal Ayumi is from Singapore (since she speaks French and German she had me guessing!).
The edibles are all gone already, the drinkables have been sampled (yum!) and I've put the bandaids in my purse - they'll be useful in case of shoe malfunctions.
This photo really doesn't do the wool justice - it looks kinda grey here, but it's actually a variegated lilac and cream. It's very pretty and lovely and soft.
I'm very excited by the bamboo needles too - I've never used (or owned for that matter) any before! They're nice big fat ones too - they'll be great for chunky winter scarves!
Thanks Ayumi!
what a fun package!
lovely. :)
When you finish the post birthday world we will have to have book club discussions.
Yeah, that would be fun. Mini book-club! I have to say I'm kind of waxing and waning on it though. Sometimes I'm really into it and other times I just don't care. We'll see where I end up.
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